English transversal project phase 3
English transversal project phase 3
Schools have pollution damage due to eating habits, devices with polluting batteries, energy consumption, urban noise, the break with traditional culture, generation of garbage, nightlife, urban deterioration, etc., etc. , are some examples of environmental problems associated with young people of school age.
These are some examples of how we can reduce pollution in schools:
1.Make a musical instrument with waste.
2.Classify materials and learn to recycle.
3.A plastic-free spa day.
4.Build a boat with plastic waste.
5. A fashion show with recycled clothing.
Actions to do at school:
1.Carry out school recycling campaigns
2. Buy only the necessary products.
3. Take school field trips to recycling plants.
4. Advantages of promoting waste separation and recycling.
5.Do not put oil in the sinks.
6. Implement recycling at home.
7.Create incentives for students to implement a recycling system in their homes.
8. Promote the separation of waste and recycling, you can place garbage containers for recycling in accessible places and teach by example.
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